Eating Animals
One main idea from "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safron Foer, is how the animals are being raised in the farm factory's. I believe that the way animals are being raised in farm factories is really cruel. I believe animals should be in a clean and healthy environment. Animals are being fed left over of dead animals it could either be there own kind of species or other animals like dogs or cats or any other kind of animal that dies. Animals from the farm factory are kept in places where is dirty they sleep and eat in there own feces and they don't even have space to move around. Animals really don’t have a choice rather if they want to live or die I think the least the owners of these farm factories should do is keep them healthy give them good food treat them right and have a nice and clean environment for them to live at while they are alive. In Eating Animals Jonathan Safron Foer says "But nature isn’t cruel. And neither are the animals in nature that kill and occasionally even torture one another. Cruelty depends on an understanding of cruelty and the ability to choose against it or to choose to ignore it" (Foer, pg 53). What Jonathan Safron Foer means by this quote is that people choose to do the right thing or just ignore and not care about the animals feeling a lot of farmers know the pain and the suffering that the animals are going through being raised in that kind of environment and know the pain they go through when they are being killed but they don’t care all they care about is making there companies more famous and making more money.
Overall i felt this blog post was informative to someone who is unaware of the nature of factory farms. I liked how you gave a description of what goes on in the factory farms and in addition gave your opinion on an alternative standard of living for the animals. There were a few run on sentences that could be easily correct if you make a revisions. I enjoyed reading your blogs. I found them to be informative about food and how it is made and also the drug effects it gives to an individual's body when a person eats food.
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