Friday, May 13, 2011

Eating Animals

One main idea from "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safron Foer, is how the animals are being raised in the farm factory's. I believe that the way animals are being raised in farm factories is really cruel. I believe animals should be in a clean and healthy environment. Animals are being fed left over of dead animals it could either be there own kind of species or other animals like dogs or cats or any other kind of animal that dies. Animals from the farm factory are kept in places where is dirty they sleep and eat in there own feces and they don't even have space to move around. Animals really don’t have a choice rather if they want to live or die I think the least the owners of these farm factories should do is keep them healthy give them good food treat them right and have a nice and clean environment for them to live at while they are alive. In Eating Animals Jonathan Safron Foer says "But nature isn’t cruel. And neither are the animals in nature that kill and occasionally even torture one another. Cruelty depends on an understanding of cruelty and the ability to choose against it or to choose to ignore it" (Foer, pg 53). What Jonathan Safron Foer means by this quote is that people choose to do the right thing or just ignore and not care about the animals feeling a lot of farmers know the pain and the suffering that the animals are going through being raised in that kind of environment and know the pain they go through when they are being killed but they don’t care all they care about is making there companies more famous and making more money.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Food is any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy promote growth. There are many different foods in the world, many different taste many different smells and the way the food looks. Food is really important in every human’s life and also in every animal’s life too. But some people eat different kinds of food like there are some people that are vegetarians they only eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains they won't eat any food derived from animals. There are some people that would eat anything. Food pleases us in many different ways it makes us happy when we are sad or stress out it helps us relax and feel less stress; sometimes it even helps us forget our problems. Food makes us happy and it pleases our body and mind but we never really think about how does the food get made or where does it come from or how are the animals being grown and taken care off, for when the time comes for them to die to become the food that we eat we don't think of the pain and suffering they go through when they are being killed. Some humans ignore and some don't care about what the animals go through. Food can be very delicious for us humans and very important to us but at the same time is really sad too when you find out the way the meat is being processed to become the food we eat.

Friday, April 15, 2011


In The end of overeating David A. Kessler writes about the concept of opioid. David A. Kessler defines the word opioid as "The opioid circuitry, which is the body's primary pleasure system. The "opioids", also known as endorphins, are chemicals produced in the brain that have rewarding effects similar to drugs such as morphine and heroin. Stimulating the opioid circuitry with food drives us to eat." Opioid's causes us pleasure, happiness, joy, desire and satisfaction. Opioid's helps us relax and calm us down when we are in pain or stressed out. Opioid's is also used in animals. Opioid's is always caused by the food or drug that you use or eat. When you’re eating something sweet or fattening the brain sends signals to the neurons in the brain that activate the opioids when that happens the opioids releases chemicals into your brain and throughout your body that causes pleasue to you.

Friday, March 25, 2011


In Fast Food Nations "Eric Schlosser" writes about the concept of uniformity. Eric Schlosser defines the word uniformity as "franchises and chain stores strive to offer exactly the same product or service at numerous locations" (5). Uniformity is used in many restaurants and stores to keep the customers coming back and to please them with the same service and food that the customers like and are used too. Also uniformity is something people like in fast food restaurants because they like getting the same good service and the same food they like and being able to get the same thing in another restaurant that's part of the same franchise is something really good because they would be going back to the same restaurant no matter where is at. Uniformity is used all over the world because I remember when I went to my moms country Guatemala, I went to a dominos and a McDonalds and the food tasted the same to me as it did here in New York City.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


In fast food nations "Eric Schlosser" writes about the concept of throughput. Throughput means the speed and volume of the way things are moving. Throughput is used in fast food restaurants to make things faster to make service move faster to make more money. Throughput has changed millions of jobs because it has changed the way people worked before it has changed the whole routine now cooks have been replaced by special machine to make the food faster and give faster service to be able to get to more customers and get more money.